• Company

    CB Biotech SA (a corporation based in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a branch of CB y Asociados Advisors whose main business consists in marketing and representing licensed leading biotechnological products.
  • Services

    CB Biotech SA opens doors to biotechnology markets and expands them. It safeguards the quality of products by finding the best partner for their distribution and marketing in Argentina and Uruguay.
  • Representation

    Our company has vast experience in representing leading businesses and assisting them in the development of their activities in our country.
  • Business Strategy

    The most efficient way to enter new markets is to prioritize the business strategy by licensing biotechnological products.
  • Keeping quality standars

    This enables a reduction in the manufacturing and copy of products, keeping and increasing benefits, respecting their quality and helping the business to market its product efficiently.
  • Market Entry

    It enables the expansion and internationalization of biotechnological products which are out of the market in our country.

© 2012 CB y Asociados